Sunday 22 February 2015

Parks and Recreation

I have survived week one of Second Year dear readers! And I have returned with a revelation... Balance in varsity life might just, JUST, be possible this year!

Last year I didn't have much of a social life to speak of (More like none at all), and I used to spend almost all my time at varsity. And when I wasn't in class or staying late, I was working like a machine at home. I'd gotten to the point where a social life just felt like a triviality: Good for occasional fun but not necessary for survival.

After this week, I can say that I was being stubborn and just plain anti-social. Yes, not having a social life meant that I could get all the work done and to a pretty high standard... But here's the thing. Interacting with other people is so integral to the way we function and grow. Other people are so important, your family, your friends, your neighbour (who may also be your best friend), even your dog, cat and rabbit are important!

This week, I consciously made a point of working productively during the hours I was at class and more importantly the hours in-between (I'm sure the people working at the library must recognise me by now!). This productivity isn't just good for the mind and not to mention the work, the productivity also means I get things done before they're due. I show up at class prepared with the readings and research. I have a good idea of all the deadlines and when to start... But most importantly, I have my weekend back.

This weekend, I actually had the time to spend with the people that matter to me. And I enjoyed that time so much. I think it was the most enjoyable weekend I've had in a long time, the perfect balance between work and play, productivity and relaxation.

Now that I've given myself enough time to get assignments done, I also have the opportunity to enjoy the assignments. At the moment, we're learning how to use DSLR cameras on manual, giving us full control of the image. I still have a lot of practising to do, but I think my first attempts didn't come out too horrendously... This is probably my favourite photo from the park.

Hopefully by the next post I'll be able to share some more experienced photographs and maybe even some secrets to productivity.

Until we meet again

Sunday 15 February 2015

Back To Basics

And so at last the final week of university holidays has ended... Tomorrow is the official start of my 2nd year of Fine Arts! Now the night before all the lectures start again, I can't help feeling that Beginning-Of-Year-Esque desire to make a good start to university and classes... but also with all the other aspects of my life. Yes I know it's already February 15th but its never too early or too late to start something.

For me, these are my major university-orientated changes:

  1. Thou shalt continue to post on this blog ONCE A WEEK!
  2. Thou shalt become a minimalist with thy bag. I've always had a bad habit of carrying too much stuff in my backpack and wondering why my shoulders always feel so strained. This year, I've opted for a small hiking backpack with better shoulder support instead of my previously "trendy" bag.                                                                                                                   I've also opted for a tiny diary and fewer notebooks... (now the Modernists will call me out for not losing all the books and getting a tablet instead, to which I say quite proudly that I'm old-fashioned that way).
  3. Thou shalt do thy work during the breaks between classes. Now I did do this to a certain extent last year, but me being an idiot meant that I did all the work I could do anywhere whilst I was at University and the all the work that needed to be done in a University space... well let's just say I went in on the weekends a lot.
  4.  Thou shalt keep thy papers organised THE WHOLE YEAR. Now for this I am quite proud to let my OCD tendencies take a hold of me and subdivide the divisions within my file. I've also found some clever "hacks" online when looking up productivity and organisation (Really can we give all of these marvellous people awards for making life simpler?).
  5. Thou shalt make time to do thy own art. As I'm sure you may have noticed in the works I've been sharing on the various pages lately (see links to other pages on the right hand side of this blog), I've started working on a smaller scale to get more works done. Varsity work is not enough to make a name, my own work will always be unique to me.
  6. Thou shalt do the readings and preparations BEFORE classes. And I don't mean just skimming over things, I mean actually taking the time to prepare work and also review the things taught in class.
  7. Thou shalt go to the extra stuff! There is so much more to University life than just lectures, this year I will MAKE the time to go to the extra things.
  8. And most importantly, THOU SHALT MAKE TIME FOR THE PEOPLE THAT MATTER. Now I will manage time better so that I can spend relaxed time with my family, and actually have a bit of a social life. I am not going to be a social hermit this year. The people in my life matter so much to me because when the work is done, they're the ones I come back to in the end.
And now dear readers, I must pack the last of my things for varsity and tragically resign from my life as a night owl.

Until we meet again

Sunday 8 February 2015

The Moon Among the Stars

What a week it has been... Good thing I'm not afraid of falling, because let's just say it was one crazy roller coaster ride! Now anyone who has ever met me will know that I run mostly on logic with occasional doses of emotion... But this week, I've realised that emotions force you to face things your mind has built walls to keep out.

It has been a crazy week, There is no doubt about that. For the first time in a long time, I was able to see a little bit of the future... A future that depended greatly on the decisions I had to make this week. The truth is this, ignoring a decision doesn't make it go away, it just makes it worse. Eventually we're all forced to make a decision when cornered, and the Fight or Flight instinct kicks in.

For a long time, flight had most often been my decision. Because, well, it was easier to start again. After this week, I can say quite happily that now I've grown into fighting for what is right and what in the very core of my heart I know what is worth fighting for. I read a saying once...

"Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, and misses you. Because one day you might wake up from your sleep and realise that you lost the moon whilst counting the stars."

 I found it quite odd that this was the saying that came to mind this week, because I've been feeling incredibly inspired by the night sky as of late... I can quite happily say now that I don't think I will ever lose sight of the moon again. 

One thing any artist will be able to tell you is that emotional outbursts often make for fantastic artistic inspiration... I can tell you this. Positive emotions sometimes fuel more passionate works because you find inspiration in good mental energy. When work is fuelled by anger and frustration, the art becomes a form of escapism. When work is fuelled by passion and positivity, it becomes a reflection of the way you see things.

Here is some of the work fuelled by the night sky:

Lunar Lineup
Ink on Moleskine
9cm x 14cm

Stardust (Work in Progress)
Although I have the infinite night sky as inspiration, I think I've found a little piece of the universe to call my own personal source of inspiration.

Until we meet again

Sunday 1 February 2015

Inspire me

Inspiration is difficult to come by... if you don't try and look for it. It's is a funny thing, although it seems like one of those miracles that just falls into our laps, most of the time we find it by actively looking.

During December of 2014 I was at a loss for inspiration, and now in February 2015, it feels like that inspiration is coming back in huge tidal waves at a time. And I have to admit, I absolutely love it! It feels good to get back into a mode of productivity before varsity has started... And now that I've found inspiration again, it feels like I wasn't looking properly before.

Well, now that I seem to have found the not-so-secret formula for inspiration, I thought I would share with you some of my findings:

  1. The Internet will either MAKE you or BREAK you! It's entirely your choice whether you feel inspired or demotivated by what you find online. Personally, when I find artists with incredible abilities, I find myself in awe, wanting to aspire to reach that level of mastery with my own art. Don't feel demotivated when people are better than you, the saying goes that if you're the most talented person in the room, you need to find another room!
  2. Never underestimate people! Sometimes, it's the people who give you your greatest inspiration... and surprisingly (not really), talking to people about what you love and WHY you love it is a great way to feel motivated!
  3. PLAY! As an artist, when you get creative block (Yes it's a real thing in your mind!), sometimes the best way to get out of it is to play around and experiment with things just for the fun of it! Not only will it release the stress and tension, but you might get "happy accidents" that inspire new work.
  4. Go outside (and bonus points for switching off your phone): Seriously, in this day and age we've forgotten the good that fresh air and grass between our toes does for our minds. Sometimes it can take ten minutes walking around the block, or a good few hours relaxing in the park... but when I get back home I feel rejuvenated and ready to work (or play) again.
  5. Just start something. Whether it's a doodle, a poem, a story or even chores, just do something to get your mind working as well as your body.
So far I've found all of the above, and good food, have helped me to feel constantly inspired. My mind is in such a good place at the moment that I can barely keep up between making work and thinking of new work! Hopefully at least a fraction of this buzzing mental energy will materialise on my blog and other pages in the weeks to come!

Until we meet again
P.S Check out artist Kerby Rosanes to get some inspiration!

A little outcome of going to the park